Monday, April 21, 2014

Update time

Hello anyone out there in my blog-o-sphere world. Sorry for my extended absence, but I am happy to say that good things have come during it. I have found a very promising natural sleep aid that seems to work well for me so far called Fibrosleep (not trying to sell anything here, just something that seems to be working for me). I'm still just in my first month of it so its too soon to tell for sure, but I've tried all those big name sleeping pills, and this works better for me than any of those.
I also got a gym membership and have been going and taking yoga classes, and some pilates. I'm trying to work my way up to a cycle class, but I feel I may not be too far away since I seem to have so much extra energy. Be it from the extra sleep I've finally been able to get (another thing to try, if you can take the taste/smell, is valerian root tea. Not the most pleasant tea, but it works. P.S. valerian root is found in the Fibrosleep, it actually is known for helping you sleep) or maybe its from how I've been eating. I eat a gluten-free, low dairy diet as well as watch my soy, sodium and sugars (just for health reasons on those). When my infectious disease doctor (or my "lymes doctor" as I think of him) told me to eat low or no gluten and low dairy I thought it would be the hardest thing in the world. But I've actually found that it may take a little more creativity at times, with my moms help, we've come up with some of the best tasting (and healthy!) meals I've had since I've felt well enough to eat like this. In fact, just the other day she made this baked pecan chicken that was a-ma-zing. She is teaching me to cook gluten free too, which is great, because she isn't gluten free so she is showing me all of the recipes she makes that I love, but the tricks she uses to make them gluten free.
Those Fibrosleep and valerian root tea are starting to kick in so I'm getting tired, but I promise I'm going to try and keep updating more. Plus, I'll try to find and post the chicken recipe or a link because I'm pretty sure we found it online. By the way, any fellow pinners out there, check pinterest for gluten free recipes, both cooking and baking and you'll find some interesting things!

Goodnight all, and finally sweet dreams,
The Lyme Life

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